Tender Procedures
Description of the contract:
National Procurement Development Commission has published their 2024/2025 annual projects which comprises of various items as advertised through our consultant agencies. Interested suppliers, individuals and companies should indicate their interest to the specified products.
Eligibility and rules of participation: it is open to all, legal persons [participating either individually or in a grouping (consortium) of Tenderer and foreign companies] which are established in all country or territory of the regions covered and/or authorized by the specific instruments applicable to the program under which the contract is financed. All goods supplied under this contract must be of good quality. Participation is also open to international organizations. Participation of natural persons is directly governed by the specific instruments applicable to the program under which the contract is financed.
Every Tenderer must have a local agent in Ghana as his/her representative.
All interested companies intends to bid for a contract must be Registered as a Contractor/Supplier with the amount of $3,850.00 USD (or in the currency of your quote if different from US Dollars) as the Registration Fee. This payment should be made through the Ghana Agent of the Tenderer prior to the submission of biding documents to this Committee.
Tenderer must submit a signed declaration such as Proforma Invoice, including the Tender Application and Evaluation Form.
Number of Tenders:
Tenderer must submit only one Tender per lot. Tenderer s who consciously or unconsciously submitted more than One Tender per lot will be disqualified.
Performance Guarantee:
The successful Tenderer will be asked to provide a performance guarantee in writing immediately after receipt of award notice before the signing of the contract. This guarantee must be provided together with the return of the counter signed contract not later than 5 days after the Tenderer receives the contract by the Contracting Authority. If the selected Tenderer fails to provide such a guarantee within this period, the contract will be void and a new contract may be drawn up and sent to another Tenderer who was on standby list.
Bidders/Suppliers should submit the following bidding documents to this Committee for consideration:
1. A Quotation in either CIF or FOB
2. An Application Letter/Letter of Intent stating suppliers Interest and ability.
3. An Authorization Letter Appointing a local company as Agent/Representative.
4, Completed copies of the company Application/ Registration Forms
5. Proof of payment for the Registration Fee of $3,850 USD or its equivalent.
6.Company Profile
7. Evidence of company’s Registration as a legal organization in country of origin.
8.Names and positions of company’s officials.
9. Proforma Invoice Covering the Required products and quantities.
Signing of the Contract: Contract can be signed and sent electronically i.e. by email. But shall the commission request that the successful Tenderer(s) appear in person, then they should avail themselves at this invitation.
Payment Terms:
Every contract winners receive 80% in advance and the balance of 20% before shipment. But 100% advance payment may be considered in some exceptional cases. All payments are made through bank wire transfer.
Physical Meeting and Site Visit:
No information on meeting and site visit is published here, but will be duly communicated to both parties representatives when such arrangement is decided.
Period of Implementation of Tasks:
The approved items shall be delivered (and installed, where required) within 360 days from the date of contract or as the case may be.